Macey Ausbrooks

Whether it’s consuming it, creating it, or sharing it, media has become a huge part of my everyday life. I currently work as the Marketing Director at a small real estate firm and I am constantly using media in both my personal and professional life. I am creating this blog to share my thoughts and insights on the diverse outlooks of media today. I am driven with curiosity about the different ways that media influences our lives and the ways we think and I hope to explore those topics more thoroughly throughout each of my blog posts. This blog will explore the different aspects of media consumption and touch on a variety of different controversial topics in our modern digital world.

While media does play a large role in my life, I also enjoy traveling with my partner and camping with our 2 dogs. I have been to 3 different countries and 10 different states over the last 5 years and I hope to increase those numbers over the next few years! I purchased my first house almost 2 years ago when I was just 21 years old and I am constantly working on new projects to improve it.